The conception of a higher power can seem confounding in connection with the physical reality that surrounds. As we become accustomed to morality and conscious perception, the vision of spirit will feel illusory. This is perhaps the greatest impediment most confront; how to unite the human will with the vision of spirit?
Many of us move through life unconsciously until a particular event forces our awareness inward. This is precisely why a tragedy or the experience of suffering can trigger an awakening. Prior to the event we our consciousness was stagnate in the perception we held of our world. When a traumatic event occurs the mind is left reeling. The apparent security we fostered was little more than a thought pattern that could be upturned in an instant. Next we seek clarity. What did I do to deserve this? If there is a higher power, why would it allow such pain to occur?
If we choose to proceed beyond these painful emotions we will take a spiritual journey. Along this path we seek direct encounter with our place in this universe. Answers arrive at the level our consciousness can accept. Instead of forcing the answers, allow yourself to sit with the question. Often it is our belief that we already know truth that prevents a new perception from arising. Grant the space necessary for your spirit to answer the call. In time you will comprehend why events had to unfold in a particular manner.
Often it is our belief that we already know truth that prevents a new perception from arising. Grant the space necessary for your spirit to answer the call.
There is a tendency to denote personal accountability for the unfolding of our journey. This does not deny the suffering and need for empathy through a difficult experience. However at a soul level what is occurring is of no surprise. It is the conscious mind that holds an agenda for external circumstance. The soul is open to what will arise knowing that it is all necessary for evolution.
Our goal is to tap into the wisdom of the spirit whilst in physical form. Once you declare a purpose for a particular event, even the most brutal suffering can be transformed. You will certainly remember the wound, but love can begin to flow. Perception can heal to contain not only the suffering but the purpose that has now led to growth.
If we remain locked in our mind after the experience of pain or trauma, healing is held astray. Love can only flow through an open heart and the first inclination after suffering is to shutdown emotionally. You literally hold the suffering within and ensure it will not find the energy and awareness necessary for healing.
When we remain open through the pain the soul can lift our sight. It is the spirit that is responsible for healing. As we begin to search internally we call upon resources that lay dormant. This is the seat of power and the hidden resources most never claim. There are truths that have avoided conscious awareness but can serve to expand your vision.
Love is the source of all. When we attempt to define the nature of the divine we often fall short. How can we comprehend all that is? We start by looking within and recognize the divinity of who we are. There is beauty in both our humanity and our soul, it all begins with reclaiming the truth of being. As you begin to understand the truth of your existence these emotional wounds that often fester seem inconsequential in the face of our divinity.
The love which you are is grander than any illusion or obstacle. As you align with this essence you begin to sense the triviality that has haunted your world. It is the deep yearning for a return to spirit that is most painful. Often all our external pursuits and desires are a disguise for this inner longing. As we begin to turn within and fill this need we can release what has hindered. We experience the expression of our soul as we move through this world in union with divinity.