Moving through this world as an empath is both a blessing and curse. When you are constantly bombarded with the emotional state of those in proximity it can be confounding. Which material derives from personal consciousness and what emanates from the ethers? If you lack solid boundaries it will be difficult to reclaim personal power.
When we hold an empathic nature there is the tendency to sense the personal suffering of others. If we choose to consistently give from a place of unconscious awareness. As we continue in this capacity we will find personal vision is diminished. Instead we must learn to harness and direct our loving nature toward self. There is the proclivity in most healers to give at the expense of self. There is not another being on this planet more deserving of your love and compassion. If we withhold our own nurturing we prevent ourselves from developing into our potential.
Once we discover the ability to raise and love self, the actions of another seem less important. In this place of empowerment, we may be selective in what we choose to nurture. Where you direct energy will influence the path you travel in this world. As you learn to discern who will serve you in a healthy manner, you will attract only those who offer reciprocity.
Self-awareness must develop so you are conscious of why you are drawn to another. Is this a reflection of an unconscious pattern or a genuine desire to heal? Often we attract those who are struggling with the issue we refuse to release in self. As you do the inner work, the external environment will heal in congruence. The more energy you pour into self will radiate to those in proximity.
Since we are all connected you can never distinguish between what is given and received. If you choose to direct your energy toward self, it will emanate in your physical world. Perhaps you will find others drawn to the warmth and light you offer. Naturally you will begin to attract connections that resonate with the love you discover internally.
All connections are a reflection of the bond with your inner self.
The most pertinent commitment is the connection you form with soul. As you garner the power necessary to stand for self, the circumstances of life will shift. You must be willing to change in order to shift physical phenomenon. Do not refuse sight when your own inner awakening is the first step. You must begin with self and build upon this foundation. If you have not discovered love in the inner realm, the platform for sharing a connection is shaky.
All connections are a reflection of the bond with your inner self. How you value self will be reflected in what you attract externally. If we do not value the self we will find it challenging to ask for what we deserve monetarily and in relationship. When we believe we are not deserving, often we settle for whatever we may find. This may compromise our own wellbeing, but until we become our own advocate we will tolerate toxic behavior.
When we are fully empowered there is no longer the need for competition. Instead we support others in the fulfillment as they reach for their personal dreams. We rise in unison only as we access the loving essence that is available for all. When you stand for personal worth you ignite the spark of value in every soul. That which we disdain gathers momentum when withheld from the source of our love. The light of consciousness is the only method of transmutation that holds a lasting effect. If you truly desire to reclaim the lost pieces of self, you will never achieve this aim without acceptance. Love is the remedy you have sought and the most powerful tool in your arsenal of self-realization.