Romantic connections can be complex without a comprehensive analysis of your energy field. However this may be a crucial understanding in how we attract others and whether the relationship will be successful.
We all possess both masculine and feminine energy.
The balance we hold internally will determine what we attract and how balanced we feel emotionally. Energy is never stagnant so you may shift between polarities, embodying both traits.
The experiences we garner will influence our identity.
If you have been raised in a manner that encourages achievement and independence your masculine energy is strengthened. Whether male or female, you find physical circumstance encourages a particular response.
Since our physical reality is always shifting, we may oscillate in our energetic expression. There is a tendency to lean toward a particular mode of expression based on history. We learn how to move through the world based on former expression. Operating through these modes of behavior have proved successful and encourage future patterns.
Issues arise when a particular mode of expression is dysfunctional. For example if we constantly live from masculine energy we may struggle to express our emotional selves. This will hinder romantic connections since we remain unable to release the ego sufficiently to share emotion.When we seek a romantic connection we often seek the polar opposite energy of our field.
Energy can be magnetic and we call forth in another what we have not developed internally. If we seek what we desire in others it is destined to fail.
You will always return to self.
I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.
John Keats
All connections serve the purpose of growth regardless of longevity. When we do the inner work it ensures our future point of attraction is healthy. We begin to draw forth others who are emotionally whole since we have discovered this inner balance. The goal is to integrate all energetic frequencies until you become whole.
When considering karmic connections they often are opposites. The traits and beliefs held oppose all we consider truth. The blessing is this opposition forces growth in both parties. We are challenged to question our identity and what we believe of the world. If we move with transformation, our point of attraction has shifted due to this connection.
What the ego considers a loss is ultimately victory.
The soul always yearns for growth. Obstacles and suffering can be the method of opening a soul toward unlimited potential. Grief may become a hurdle if required to leave others behind.While identity suffers, the soul expands.
It is easy to reminisce on a connection and ponder why you walked in that direction. Since you are no longer in the same consciousness it may appear confounding. This is a grand indication of growth since you have moved toward higher awareness.
They show who you are, including all the shadows you have repressed. If brave and look within you will be gifted the corresponding evolution. This was the purpose all along, to bring us closer to unity.
The goal is never unity with another, but unity within self.
As we accept whatever arrives we allow understanding to flourish. It will become clear which shadows in our consciousness have arisen. The other is always demonstrating what we have refused to hear. Only if willing to heed the truth can we discover the blessing in all circumstance.
If you wish to attract a partner who is compatible begin within.
What aspects of self need healing?
Which qualities must you strengthen in order to become whole?
If you desire a partner who is emotionally mature, you must move into balance with your emotional self. Learn to discover your true identity and this clarity will call forth a match. Through the recognition of truth it will naturally flourish in your world.
Resentment assigns blame to another. This place of anger prevents you from reclaiming power. Acceptance is the necessary ingredient to allow healing. This inner shift is a product of learning to let go and accept what has manifested.
Claiming your creative power is an alternative to blame.
It will set you free.
Begin the journey of creation with a conscious will and open heart. This balance is necessary to discover transformation in physical reality. Unless we realise the power we hold in each moment we fall victim to cruel fate. What appears an external wall are the limiting beliefs we hold internally.
Raising consciousness and balancing aspects of self is the best solution for partnership. When we show up on the fullness of our being we attract a counterpart. Once you undertake inner development your ability to call forth a match is heightened.
The path of self-transformation is identical to the journey of love.