Consciousness is the barometer of how we are progressing through life. When we allow ourselves to expand we open to the possibility of transformation. If we allow ourselves to remain at the edge of consciousness growth is guaranteed.
The challenge is surrendering boredom.
When we gain acceptance for the unknown we assure every day is new. Ultimately we are born anew daily while our consciousness remains in the past. There is nothing left for us in history, it is redundant.
Love makes its presence known in the moment.
We can move fully into existence or retract. The choice you make will determine the beauty that flows in the present. Our desire to experience everything fully is most crucial. A heart wide open has the potential to transform this world.
Fear convinces that failure is inevitable. It will trip you before a step is taken for you will be lost in fearful imagining. The commitment to overcome fear is perhaps most important in transforming your world.
Love is the only drive that can withstand all opposition.
Courage is the foundation of a beautiful life.
When we have the commitment to overcome all challenge we have risen. Thoughts lose the power to halt progress in light of vision. Only the souls with tenacity can reach beyond the known world. What has been is unfulfilling in the face of what is to come.
Passion is the beacon of possibility, the call we heed.
The future you dream is fulfilled momentarily. A vision has never existed in the future, paved by the brick of each choice. Your decisions can transform reality as soon as you set the intention.
The comfort zone is the perimeter where dreams die. If we truly choose to follow our vision we must overcome ourselves. What appear an external edge is really a limitation in consciousness.
The fear we hold manifests as blocks in our worldly path.
Inner transformation can produce the change we desperately seek. Looking at flawed beliefs can release us from a world we have outgrown. Often admitting we are no longer satisfied is the beginning phase of growth.
When we are committed to living at our highest potential we must become comfortable with transformation. Daily shifts are necessary in pursuit of the life we desire. Heed the call of possibility and see where it lead. Learning to honor the power of soul will draw forth the vision.
Desire receives a bad rap in the spiritual realm. Often our emotions will communicate directly through the heart. Desire is an indication of what we yearn. In natural form it is pure; the spirit breaking through matter to express truth.
As we begin to listen to our heart we consciously release obstacle.
The material world loses power in sight of our true essence. Your ability to connect with heart will determine the success you find in this physical world. Learning to step into the unknown even in the presence of fear is the initial step.
Dedication and discipline are the beginning steps toward all creative endeavour. Without commitment the slightest knock will lead to surrender. The fortitude to persevere only occurs when the passion outweighs fear.
Love is the only drive that can withstand all opposition.
The decision to expand ensures you will never find comfort. This is both blessing and curse for we always extend beyond the world we once knew. Life is designed to be a process of continual evolution, but most stagnate.
There is security in holding still, for we must never leave behind the people and circumstances we love. We can distance ourselves from destiny and blame a cruel fate for our shortcomings.
Safety yields limited results but protects a fragile self.
When we believe ourselves incapable of handling the burdens of life we retreat. Fear always runs from its illusory enemy; lost in what could have been but never brave enough to step forward. It is failure by default, for as we retreat from life it abandons us.
Loss is ultimately our refusal to vouch for self.
Mastery in physical reality always commences with a change in consciousness. Inner evolution is the initial stage of all physical manifestation. If you seek externally, your hands will remain empty. This world belongs to those who find the beauty and glory internally until it overflows into physical matter.
The choice for continual evolution will not come easy. You will be called to leave others behind when the bond becomes a chokehold; shedding layers of self until you come in direct contact with spirit.
This loss however is not painful than remaining stagnant; watching potential futures shatter in reaction to fear. When you are moving the game is not over. I cannot guarantee you will win every turn but the opportunity for blessing still exists.
May you forever expand in the fullness of your soul.