Often there is misinformation regarding the ego on a spiritual journey. Perhaps it may serve as a hindrance when seeking to follow the call of spirit. Most elements of being are so complex the finite mind cannot comprehend the grandest vision. This world can be confusing for the ways of spirit. In fact the ego is the mental faculty designed to lead you through physicality.
When the mind begins to rule the heart, balance is lost. Alignment is the goal and unless the ego is tuned into the vision of spirit it will wreak havoc. We begin the dance of insecurity, fear the backdrop of each choice. This does not denote the ego as wrong however, simply the position of power must shift.
The heart is the barometer of truth and love. Since love has brought the soul into incarnation, that which brings you closer to love will always point to truth. Once you have reclaimed the awareness of this inner truth the path is clear. This vantage point selects the goal whilst the ego may designate the path. When you lead with the soul, ego will fall in stride. It will not diminish the power of mind, but rather ensure it serve the intention of spirit.
When you attempt to suppress or destroy the ego you enter battle. What you negate will only gather momentum in a desire to be seen. The journey of soul is the passage of becoming whole. This entails honoring all emanations of love, even what can be perceived as negative. Only as you gain the focus to honor both ego and soul can you move into alignment. Growth occurs as our consciousness is confronted with truth. You gain the awareness of how you can use the mind and personality to navigate the path. Listen to the mind and wisdom that seeps into consciousness.
You can never banish what you are. The energy of consciousness can never be destroyed, only transformed. When you make the decision to transform energy, the situation will shift in your favor. Rather than suppressing this difficult energy, we bring the light of awareness. This vantage point will allow you to recognize areas of improvement and growth. Respect your vision for it will enable you to discern which behavioral patterns are serving the highest good. This is the barometer of whether the ego is a hindrance. When the ego prevents you from living from full potential you must reconnect with spirit.
You can never banish what you are. The energy of consciousness can never be destroyed, only transformed.
If a being were absent of ego they would flounder. Certainly our spiritual selves may shine, but efficiency in physicality would be diminished. Often when we have a grand dream for our future, we need a strong identity (ego) to bring this vision into fruition. If we lack confidence it will be challenging to step forward along the path. Then we become lost in beautiful spiritual visions while never actualizing the dream.
Although spiritual awakening is the aim of incarnation, you are in this world for the purpose of creation. The sheer joy of manifestation is what brings you forth. When we allow ourselves to reclaim our power, it serves the spiritual self and physical world. All is connected and we cannot distinguish between progress in the physical or spiritual realm.
This also brings an awareness of masculine and feminine energy. The ego often resonates with masculine energy and the pattern of logic. Whilst the soul thrives in the watery energy of emotion and guides through the intuitive faculty. The goal is integration and becoming whole. Masculine energy is not intrinsically less valuable then feminine energy. Once in balance, both blend with another to create a wonderful fusion. When you respect both aspects of being, these contrary energies will begin to create a being of unity.
The only obligation is honoring the heart and allowing it to manifest in physical reality. When you perceive of your world is it a reflection of that which holds meaning? Is love evident in the people and circumstance that surrounds?
Whilst the ego cannot gather information regarding what holds meaning, it may point toward the path of manifestation. The guidance you receive is often pointing you in the direction you must traverse, and it is your humanity that will bring this vision to life. The spirit without form may as well remain in the higher realms. You are on this earth to manifest the beauty of your soul in form. Inspiration combined with action is the formula of magic.
The spirit can be perceived as the inspiration while the ego leads action. Unless you are willing to act on these pertinent motivations you will never discover the potential that lay dormant. Your ego will become the greatest ally when seeking to manifest your vision. Do not abandon that which can lend power to your cause; garner the energy toward transformation in the direction of your dreams.